#eye #eye


One of Anto’s best friends had recently passed away, and while that never was the goal of the conversation and we had discussed much of her past it always seemed to return to that subject. The poignant takeaway was that in this period of her life her friends were her family and she had come into her own, but an aspect of that crumbled when her friend passed. Anto is an unabashedly strong individual which I admire her for, but it seemed that this event had exposed her vulnerability to lack of control. The image making process for me was to highlight these moments of reflection, assessing the past and present moment. What was clear and illuminating in the project was how our lives and experiences take a forefront over academics, and even if school does not adjust our lives continue and it can be hard to keep up in the depths of tragedy. These moments center our priorities and can reveal what is important to an individual.

Interview Excerpt