#eye #eye


Cassie was observed in a moment of vulnerability, and I appreciate her candidness, but it was clear that she could not be all there. Her perspective was somewhat paradoxical in that she would facade openness only to wall up. Her conversation made it clear that it's rooted in time and stress, and when we are busy and going from one thing to another addressing our feelings and emotions is something that seems quite impossible. Since there is no time to just break down and reconstruct. It was the recurring motif that life does not wait for us, and that there is an essential myth to the idea of self care. The image making process reveals these things as I observed a very organized individual in disarray, and while she was there and attempting to reveal many layers she always seemed to fade away. She expressed that she thought she had escaped the toxic environment of her youth but it felt as if it seemed to always haunt her.

Interview Excerpt