#eye #eye


Ned has lived a lifetime's struggles in only a brief time and in their own words it can be very sobering. Between their states of being and environments I wanted to show how they seem to have seen a lot. These all translate to how Ned curates their identity and interactions with others in mind. This is done to keep in mind not to treat others how they've been treated in the past but also to maintain a safe distance due to fear of the unknown consequences of their true self, which they are not quite sure is being exposed. They exhibit a desire for control but also are happy with what they have now and are simply grateful to exist in the now. They are simply in search of a baseline, the mundane, or simply normalcy in the terrifying spirals of ups and downs in life that are making us grow up way too quick. I just wanted to show Ned’s presentation of self, the deepness of experience in their eyes, and how they only reveal a portion of themselves. The takeaway was very much looking at the generation as a whole in this time period and seeing how the stressors we’ve take on in life are very big for what they should be at our age.

Interview Excerpt