#eye #eye

10pm Talk

Always seems I’m behind,

While I spent years getting ahead,

But there are still more credits to find,

But evermore waning time filled with dread,

Sometimes I wanna run away and hide,

All I seem to wanna do is scream inside,

There are so many yet still none I can truly confide,

I’m tired of rolling with the punches and taking hits,

I really wanna have my second wind and win for kicks,

I’m in pain with no resolve,

Every painkiller eventually dissolves,

It’ll still feel selfish to hurt and complain,

Because compared to others my situation feels tame,

There’s no one I can or should blame,

I do burn inside but the energy is a waning flame,

I’m sorry I sent you to voicemail,

I don’t think I did see your email,

I apologize I did attempt to reply but to no avail,

I feel drained the last of my light has bailed,

It could recognize the sinking ship it sat upon,

No engines to be reignited or turned on,

As dead as a football match which has drawn,

I now wait to be consumed by the weathering storms,

As this fighter has no will to perform,

I will forever seek my platform,

Now goodbye I see the looming thunderstorms,

It’s it unfair for life take what it’s given,

All of the loss and I’m no longer driven,

Why are we broken in order to succeed

But we treat it as fair lessens written into our lives deed,

All that I write simply seems to be a repeating track,

But honestly, God really needs to give me some feedback,

Cause I feel tortured here and blessed here,

Simply do you truly love me to spare a tear,

Then why do I still cower in fear,

why is her father weak to beer,

Can I ever really choose a career,

Now, why can Assad bring hell in gas to his people,

Why can terror amass with no opposing spokespeople,

Why can the bad happen with no true atonement,

But I can suffer alone at the moment,

You can’t take back what has been done,

But you can take away very much with a gun,

Only bigger holes are dug,

Graves for those who can be compared to a bug,

Not those who you consider a thug,

But if it’s hell on earth it’s already too late,

Does this world seek its inevitable doomed fate?

Today will be the Rapture.