#eye #eye

All there is, is me

All there is, is me,

Til my teeth grind away

To standing dust to be blown astray,

Til the rivers flowing from the milky oval ponds go dry,

  When Atlas decides to drop the weight of that which he bares,

   Allowing what lands to roll down the empty hall of the mind

    As all of existence ceases to exist,

  The walls once ordained

   Now bare and crumbling,

  When hell freezes over and

  Even the solemn demon, that once confided in me,

  Can no longer find refuge,

As the skin is ripped away to the bare bones

By the vultures who had done

  so exactly upon prometheus,

I shall then no longer share the hill with sisyphus,

So all I have is me…

  But I wonder if there will be a day

that it is not enough,

All THerE is…  is me