#eye #eye

What is God?

I can say a representation,

Now is that representative a fraud?

Are they real like every incantation,

I can never answer,

But it may come with eternal damnation,

And maybe Dante and his inferno will have an answer,

But I fear the idea of Lucifer’s elation,

What is this symbolism of hope,

What is it when it can be the root of conflict,

What is it when it can be embodied in a pope,

What is it when it can be the reason for humanity to contradict,

Man says they act in the name of god,

But they enact a wretchedness,

That which resembles the wrath of god,

Now, why can so many  blame the action of god for their aggressiveness,

Am I in the wrong to question my faith,

Am I forfeiting my sanctity in my evocation,

Is all really true as the great god saith,

Shall I now, as a result, see damnation.